Residential Curbside Collection
The Town of Valleyview provides curbside waste collection and disposal services to over 800 residential properties, weekly.
Each residential address is assigned a black cart that is stamped with a serial number linked to that address. If you move, leave the cart for the next occupant. If your cart goes missing, needs to be repaired or replaced, or if you move into a property with no cart, call (780) 524-5154.
Residential waste is collected weekly.
Regularly scheduled collection days may be affected by statutory holidays. On these occasions, notices will be posted to and the Town of Valleyview Facebook page.

The following guidelines are in place to assist Public Works in streamlining waste collection and to ensure cleaner neighbourhoods:
- Waste carts shall be placed for collection no later than 7:00 a.m. on the scheduled collection day, allowing for one meter (3 ft) clearance between any structure, vehicle, or other object.
- Carts must be returned to their storage location on the premises, within one meter of the dwelling by 11:59 p.m. of the scheduled collection day.
- The correct placement for carts is on the street, against the curb. If you do not have a curb, the edge of the street is acceptable. If the cart is on your driveway or on the edge of your lawn, sanitation workers will not pick it up.
- All waste must be securely contained in a disposable garbage bag prior to being placed into waste cart.
- Ensure the lid of your waste cart is completely closed for collection; carts must not overflow.
- No garbage bags or refuse shall be allowed outside of the waste cart. Any items left outside the cart will not be collected.
- Avoid stuffing bags into the cart as this may result in material becoming lodged in the cart. If material becomes lodged, it will not be dumped.
If your household accumulates more bags than the cart will contain, residents can take excess bags free of charge to the transfer station bins located at the Valleyview Recycle Centre, 4205 40th Avenue, during regular operating hours.
Residents are encouraged to reduce, reuse or recycle to divert as much waste as possible from our landfills. Doing so also reduces tipping fees which can help offset future rate increases or help fund future waste management and recycling services.
For waste disposal options, visit the Waste Management page for more information, including Waste Management Bylaw #2024-06.
Thank you for doing your part to keep Valleyview clean!

Valleyview Landfill
The Town of Valleyview Landfill, under the operation of the Public Works Department, is a manned facility located northwest of Valleyview, and is open to residents of the Town. The pit was permanently closed in 2022 to allow for reclamation of the site, but the facility remains open to receive select waste materials.
The landfill is located 4 kms west of Valleyview on Highway #43:
- Turn right onto Range Road 230 for 2.4 km,
- Left onto Township Road 704 for 1.6 km,
- Right onto Range Road 231 for 1.7 km,
- Landfill is on the left.
Hours of Operation
- Tuesdays and Saturdays,
1:00 – 5:00 p.m.
Residents of Valleyview can dispose of acceptable waste free of charge.
Tandem truck and end dump loads of acceptable waste are subject to a fee. For more information on fees and the payment process, call the Public Works Department, (780) 524-5154.
Unauthorized Dumping
Please be advised that this facility is under video surveillance. Unauthorized dumping is strictly prohibited, and violators will be subject to fines in accordance with Town of Valleyview Bylaw #2023-11 Amended.
Acceptable Waste
- Concrete
- Clean wood (non-treated)
- Metal (scrap, automotive hulks)
- Large appliances (refrigerators, washers, dryers, ranges, freezers)
- Tires (not on rim)
Non-Acceptable Waste
- Furniture (sofas, cupboards, tables)
- Mattresses
- Shingles
- Insulation or drywall
- Treated wood
- MDF products
- Decomposable waste
- Hazardous waste
- Any other waste deemed not acceptable by the management authority
Through a ‘Good Neighbour Practice’ between the Town of Valleyview and the Municipal District of Greenview, residential items not accepted at the Valleyview Landfill will be accepted at MD of Greenview Transfer Stations in DeBolt, New Fish Creek, Little Smoky, or Sunset House.
Visit the MD of Greenview website for transfer station locations, hours of operation and accepted materials. There are no fees charged to Town residents when accessing Greenview transfer stations, but users must:
- Check in with MD attendant and specify the materials you are disposing of (load inspections are at the attendant’s discretion)
- Follow the attendant’s instructions for unloading materials
- Pre-sort your loads for easy and clean unloading in designated areas
For more information on waste management options, visit:
Transfer Station and Recycle Centre
Annual Large Item Pick Up Program
Residential Yard Waste Program
Recycle Centre Information
The Transfer Station and Recycle Centre is located at:
4205 – 40th Avenue
Monday to Friday
7:00 am to 12:00 pm
1:00 pm to 4:00 pm
Users of this facility are reminded to be respectful of attendants at all times. Harassment or verbal abuse will not be tolerated.
Acceptable Materials
Newspapers, Magazines, & Mixed Papers
Junk Mail, telephone books, catalogues, office paper, brochures, envelopes.
Cereal Boxes, tissue boxes, milk/ juice cartons, food packaging, soda/beer packaging, egg cartons (fibre), paper bags, packing boxes.
Plastic Containers
Plastic Water Bottles, soda bottles, milk jugs, laundry jugs, shampoo/lotion bottles, condiment bottles, all hard plastic food containers.
Aluminum & Metal Cans (Labels Removed)
Soda cans, beer cans, fruit cans, juice cans, assorted food cans, metal hangers.
Automotive Fluids Containers
Empty oil, antifreeze and coolant jugs; Empty hydraulic oil, brake, transmission fluid bottles; Empty windshield wiper and DEF (Diesel Exhaust Fluid) bottles; also accept empty oil pails.
Fluorescent bulbs, ballasts, regular light bulbs, batteries, paint and aerosols.
Expanded Electronics Recycling Program
In 2020, the Town of Valleyview Recycle Centre was proud to sign up as participants in the Alberta Recycling Management Authority (ARMA) Electronics Expansion Pilot Project. In doing so, we are able to accept for recycling – from personal and home use only – over 500 new items in six broad categories: small appliances, audio/visual, telecom, power and air tools, electronic games, toys and music, and lawn and garden.
For a comprehensive list of all recyclable items through this program, click Alberta Recycling Management Authority.
Please call the Recycle Centre, (780) 524-5429, if you have questions about acceptable items.

Please break down all boxes; and rinse all bottles, cans, and jars before placing into bins.
Please note there are bins available for the disposal of bagged household garbage only; wood and metal are prohibited.
Non-acceptable Materials
Contaminated cardboard (pizza boxes or wet, muddy and/or oily cardboard)
Large Appliances
Furniture or mattresses
Baler Twine
Wrapping Paper
Construction Paper
Soft Plastics (grocery bags, sandwich bags, plastic wrap)
Soiled or Contaminated Materials
Any material deemed non-acceptable by attendant.
Please Note
The Transfer Station bins are available for residents of the Town and the MD and are for household waste only.
The Transfer Station is located within the Recycle Centre gated yard at 4205 40 Avenue and is open from 7:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. weekdays. We are closed over the noon hour for lunch, and all statutory holidays. There is no charge for disposal of household waste, but users are asked to observe the following procedures:
- On arrival, users of the Transfer Station bins must check in with an attendant in the office, provide their first and last names, and indicate if they reside within the Town of Valleyview or the MD. Users will be instructed on which bin to use for their household disposal.
- An attendant will raise the barrier gate, allowing vehicle access to the transfer bins on the hill. On your departure, the attendant will open the gate. If the gate does not immediately open when you are ready to exit, you may honk your horn to alert the attendant.
- No unauthorized dumping permitted.
Concrete, clean wood (non-treated), metal, and tires may be disposed of at the Valleyview landfill Tuesdays and Saturdays from 1:00 to 5:00 p.m.
Residential Yard Waste Program
The Public Works Department collects yard waste from residential addresses every Thursday from mid-May to September. Yard waste is collected and composted, and used in municipal greenspaces and projects.
Acceptable materials at this time are grass clippings and leaves only.
Twigs, branches, and other plant materials are not part of the compost program and will not be picked up curbside. Town residents can dispose of twigs, branches, stumps, and root balls free of charge at the Valleyview Landfill during regular landfill hours, Tuesdays and Saturdays from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Bundled tree branches and twigs may also be disposed of during the Town’s annual Large Item Pick Up Program, which usually occurs in May each year. Further details on that program are made available in April.
Please note:
- Acceptable yard waste intended for compost must be placed in a clear bag and be free of animal droppings.
- Place bags for composting curbside, on your property, Thursdays by 7:00 a.m. Please ensure their placement does not obstruct the roadway or the sidewalk.
- To ensure the health and safety of our sanitation workers, the total weight of each bag must not exceed 40 pounds – if you can lift the bag with one hand, it is considered a safe weight for handling. If a bag is deemed too heavy for lifting, it will not be picked up.
For more information on the Residential Yard Waste Program, please call the Public Works Department, (780) 524-5154 or (780) 524-5155.

Large Item Pick-Up Program
Each May, the Town of Valleyview offers a week-long Large Item Pick Up Program to residents within the Town. During this event, Public Works crews will pick up items curbside from residential addresses only. Please check this website and the Town of Valleyview Facebook page near the end of April for the dates of this event and instructions on how to register.
What Items Qualify for this Program?
Examples of items that qualify for this program are typically items that homeowner(s) or occupant(s) cannot transport to an acceptable landfill or transfer station on their own, such as:
- Large appliances (refrigerators, freezers, washers, dryers, ranges, dishwashers, etc.)
- Household furniture (sofas, loveseats, dining tables, chairs, headboards, etc.)
- Mattresses
- Small Equipment (lawn mowers, hedge trimmers, etc.)
- Barbecues
- Bicycles
- Exercise Equipment (must be dismantled)
- Tires (not on rims)
- Metal
- Wood (must be bundled)
What Items Do Not Qualify?
Some examples of items that do not qualify for the Large Item Pick Up Program are:
- Electronics
- Domestic garbage or compost
- Cardboard
- Styrofoam
- Small or light items that can be easily transported (planters, empty propane tanks, etc)
- Construction and home demolition materials such as drywall and insulation
- Items filled with waste (ie, appliances or furniture filled with yard waste, recyclables, garbage)
- Items located in or around homes – crews cannot enter homes or yards to retrieve items, they must be left curbside.
More Questions? We Have Answers…
How will I know when the Large Item Pick Up Program is scheduled to take place?
The Public Works Department will announce program details in April on the Town of Valleyview website and Facebook page. Please check these sites periodically for the scheduled dates.
How do I register for the Large Item Pick Up Program?
When the dates and details of the program are announced, please call the number provided and be prepared to provide the following information:
- Your name
- Your phone number
- Your civic address
- Description of the items you wish to be picked up.
Where do I place my large items for pick up?
Place large items for pick up curbside, on your property. Please ensure their placement does not obstruct the roadway or the sidewalk.
I have items that do not qualify for the Large Item Pick Up Program. How can I dispose of them?
The Town of Valleyview offers several avenues for residents to dispose of items not accepted through the Large Item Pick Up Program.
- Electronics and Small Appliances are accepted materials at the Valleyview Recycle Centre. Click here for more information on the Recycle Centre.
- Yard waste, such as trees, stumps, branches, and root balls can be taken to the Valleyview Landfill. Visit the Waste Management page for the location, hours, and acceptable items.
- Grass clippings and leaves: every Thursday from mid-May to September, the Public Works Department offers curbside collection of grass clippings and leaves from residential addresses. Clippings and leaves must be in clear bags and free of animal droppings. For more information on the Residential Yard Waste Program, click here.
I placed several items curbside for pick up, but crews didn’t take it all. Why?
There are a couple reasons your items may not have been picked up.
Firstly, it is more efficient to load like items (metal, wood, or furniture, etc.) together. This waste sorting method ensures quicker, more efficient disposal at the landfill or transfer station. Crews may do a second run before all your items are collected.
Secondly, it may also be possible your items don’t qualify for pick up. Please review the above list of items and if you are still unsure, call the Public Works Department at (780) 524-5154 or (780) 524-5155 to confirm.