The Safety Codes Act of Alberta requires that all contractors and homeowners in Alberta obtain permits prior to commencing work on buildings covered by the Alberta Building Code or work governed by the Canadian Electrical Code, the Alberta Gas Code or the Alberta Plumbing Code.
A variety of local bylaws and provincial regulations govern when you need a permit. This may also vary with specific circumstances surrounding your project. Generally speaking, whenever building or renovating a structure, you will require one or all of the following permits: Building, Electrical, Gas, Plumbing and/or Private Sewage.
The Town of Valleyview is an Accredited Municipality; this means permit applications are applied for, paid and tracked at the Town Administration office. Building Permit applications are then sent to Superior Safety Codes Inc. for approval. Safety permits for Gas, Electrical and Plumbing are approved and issued at the Town Administration office. They are not required to be approved by Superior Safety Codes Inc. In all cases, it is the responsibility of the homeowner, business owner or contractor to request inspections by a Superior Safety Codes Inc. Safety Codes Officer at the required times of the project being undertaken.
Please visit the Superior Safety Codes Inc. website at the link provided below. There you will find Frequently Asked Questions which has great information on when and why a permit is required. As well, you can request an inspection, find contact information and a plethora of pertinent information.
Links to the Building and Safety Permits are listed below. Please note, do not hit ‘Submit’ on the form as this will send the form directly to Superior Safety Codes. Please save and provide the filled-out application to the Town Administration Office via mail or drop it off at the Town Administration Office at 4802 – 50th Street.
Box 270
Valleyview, AB
T0H 3N0
Fax: (780) 524-2727
*Some content is taken with permission from the Superior Safety Codes Inc. website.

Please note that any new installations of natural gas and plumbing will require a Town of Valleyview Natural Gas Installation Form and/or a Town of Valleyview Plumbing Permit Application.
Alberta Municipal Affairs has a complete list of updated Safety Tips available for download here:, which includes information on multiple topics and a couple of informational videos.