Town of Valleyview

2025 General Election Information

Your Guide to Running for Council in Valleyview

Deciding to run for municipal office is a major commitment, and if elected, it requires a significant investment of time and effort in service to your community. To assist you in evaluating whether running for Town Council is the right choice, we have gathered important information, including eligibility requirements and insights into what it means to serve as a municipal Councillor.

  • Nominations Open:
    Wednesday, Jan 1, 2025

  • Nominations Close:
    Monday, Sept 22, 2025
    @ Noon

  • Election Day:
    Monday, Oct 20, 2025

Need more info? Contact Town of Valleyview, 4909-50 Street, Box 270, Valleyview, AB  T0H 3N0
Returning Officer, 780-524-5150

Steps to Becoming a Candidate


Check Eligibility

Learn the eligibility requirements to run for Council in Valleyview, including age, residency, and legal criteria. Check the LAEA for details.


Nomination Intent

Submit your Notice of Intent to run in the 2025 Valleyview Election to accept contributions and track your candidacy on the official register.


File Nomination

Get nomination forms at the Town office starting January 2025. Submit required forms, contact info, and deposit to complete your nomination.

1. Are you eligible to run for Council?

To be eligible as a municipal candidate, you must meet certain requirements under the Local Authorities Election Act (LAEA) s. 21(1), including that on nomination day you:

  • are at least 18 years old,
  • are a Canadian citizen,
  • have been a resident of the Town of Valleyview for six consecutive months preceding Nomination Day, and
  • are not otherwise ineligible or disqualified.

Under section 22(1) of the LAEA there are certain criteria that may make you ineligible to be a candidate in a municipal election, which includes, but is not limited to:

  • you are the auditor of the municipality
  • you are an employee of the municipality (unless the employee takes a leave of absence)
  • you are in default of your taxes equal to or exceeding $50 (excluding indebtedness on current taxes and indebtedness for arrears of taxes for which you have entered into an agreement with the municipality, providing you are not in default of that agreement)
  • you are in default for any other debt to the municipality equal to or exceeding $500 for more than 90 days
  • you have been convicted of an offence under the Local Authorities Election Act, the Election ActElection Finances and Contributions Disclosure Act, or the Canada Elections Act within the previous 10 years.

For a full review of what can impact your nomination eligibility, please see the LAEA or contact the Town’s returning officer.

Please Note:

It is your responsibility to ensure you are fully aware of all the nomination requirements and to comply with them. It is not the returning officer’s responsibility to review the validity of the information contained in the candidate’s nomination paper. That responsibility lies with the Courts if the candidate’s nomination or election is challenged. Under the Criminal Code, it is an offense to make a false affidavit, punishable by up to 14 years imprisonment. You are advised to obtain legal advice if necessary.

2. Notice of Intent to be Nominated

Candidates who plan to run in the 2025 Valleyview Election can only accept campaign contributions and incur campaign expenses once their notice of intent is complete and they are added to the Register of Candidates.

  • A prospective candidate can submit their notice of intent any time during the campaign period.
  • The Notice of Intent form can be picked up at the Town office or downloaded here.
  • Submit your notice of intent in 1 of 2 ways:
  • Email your completed Notice of Intent to or drop off your completed Notice of Intent to the Town of Valleyview Administration Office, Attention: Returning Officer.
  • Within 2 business days, the returning officer will contact the candidate to confirm receiving their notice of intent. They will inform them if their submission meets the requirements or if it needs more information.
  • After submitting a notice of intent to be nominated, your name will appear on the register of candidates on Town of Valleyview website.

A notice of intent and being added to the Register of Candidates is not a substitute for completing the nomination process which starts January 1, 2025, and closes at 12 noon on Nomination Day, September 22, 2025.  Candidates are still required to submit a completed nomination package after submitting their notice of intent.

Register of Candidates

The following people have given notice that they intend to run as a candidate in the 2025 municipal election.






January 6, 2025



January 8, 2025



January 8, 2025



January 9, 2025



February 13, 2025


David George

February 21, 2025


Carissa (Xeata)

March 3, 2025



March 12, 2025



March 19, 2025

Nominated Candidates

The table below lists the candidates who have submitted completed nomination forms as required by the Local Authorities Election Act.






January 17, 2025



January 28, 2025



February 20, 2025

3. Filing your Nomination Papers

Forms and Nomination Packages are available at the Town of Valleyview Administration office.

The following items are required for your nomination to be complete:

  • Form 4 Nomination Paper and Candidate’s Acceptance
  • Form 5 Candidate Financial Information
  • Criminal record check
  • Deposit payment of $50

For additional information, please contact:

Returning Officer


Additional Information

  • Signatures must be from eligible voters who live within the jurisdiction you wish to represent.
  • Original hand-written signatures are required. Digital signatures are not accepted.
  • Councillor candidates require a minimum of 5 signatures.
  • Form 4 must include how your name will appear on the ballot.

Form 4 must be signed by a Commissioner of Oaths before you submit your nomination. Alternatively, it can be signed by the Returning Officer or designate when you file your nomination in person.

You are required to open a campaign account in your name or your campaign’s name at the time of nomination or as soon as possible after total campaign contributions exceed $1,000. Information required on the Form 5 includes:

  • Addresses where campaign records will be stored,
  • Name(s), address(es), of the financial institutions where campaign contributions will be deposited, and
  • Names of individuals who have signing authorities for the campaign account.

Candidates are required to provide a criminal record check at the time nomination papers are filed.

  • All candidates seeking nomination for election to the municipal office in the Town of Valleyview must submit a criminal record check along with their nomination papers.
  • Criminal record checks must be conducted by a police service operating in Alberta, such as the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, and not conducted by a third-party criminal record check provider.
  • Must be dated no earlier than six months before the date your nomination is filed.
  • Candidates are responsible for paying any applicable fees associated to the criminal record check.
  • Nomination papers will be partially redacted to ensure that the mailing address of the candidate and the candidate’s official agent are not disclosed as required by section 28(6.1) of the Local Authorities Election Act.
  • Criminal records checks accompanying nomination papers will be partially redacted to ensure that the mailing address of the candidate and the candidate’s official agent are not disclosed as required by section 28(6.2) of the Local Authorities Election Act.
    The Returning Officer may further redact any personal information in nomination papers, but not the criminal records checks accompanying the nomination papers, that, in their opinion, would compromise the personal safety of candidates as provided for in section 28(6.1) of the Local Authorities Election Act.
Members of the public may view nomination documents in person, under supervision, at the Town of Valleyview Administration Office. This includes the results of the criminal record check. For privacy, the mailing addresses of you and your official agent will be redacted from the documents before they are made available to the public.
If you have any additional questions regarding the public access to nomination documents, please contact the Returning Officer at 780-524-5150.

Under section 153 of the MGA, all councillors have the following duties:

  • to consider the welfare and interests of the municipality as a whole and to bring to council’s attention anything that would promote the welfare or interests of the municipality;
  • to promote an integrated and strategic approach to intermunicipal land use planning and service delivery with neighbouring municipalities;
  • to participate generally in developing and evaluating the policies and programs of the municipality;
  • to participate in council meetings and council committee meetings and meetings of other bodies to which they are appointed by the council;
  • to obtain information about the operation or administration of the municipality from the chief administrative officer or a person designated by the chief administrative officer;
  • to keep in confidence matters discussed in private at a council or council committee meeting until discussed at a meeting held in public;
  • to adhere to the code of conduct established by the council by bylaw; and
  • to perform any other duty or function imposed on councillors by this or any other enactment or by the council.

As a Councillor, your role is to collaborate with other Council members to establish the municipality’s overall direction through policy-making. The policies set by Council serve as the framework for administration to follow in managing the municipality’s operations. A significant portion of your time on Council will be dedicated to evaluating new policies and programs, as well as reviewing existing ones to ensure they are effective and functioning as intended.

Town Council does not oversee the day-to-day operations of Administration. The Chief Administrative Officer (CAO), who is the only employee of Council, serves as the administrative head of the municipality and is responsible for implementing the bylaws and policies set by Council through the administrative staff. The CAO also ensures that Council is kept informed and provides necessary reports. Aside from the CAO, Council does not have the authority to hire, fire, or discipline municipal staff.

During your four-year term as a Councillor, you will be expected to attend numerous meetings and events, which can be time-consuming. These include:

  • Regular Town Council meetings, held on the second and fourth Mondays of each month at 5:00 p.m.
  • Meetings of various boards and agencies where you are appointed as a Council representative.
  • Conferences, conventions, seminars, and workshops (such as those hosted by AUMA and FCM) for training and discussions.

In addition, a Councillor will need to dedicate time to reviewing agenda packages and preparing for meetings, as well as meeting with the public, the Chief Administrative Officer, and other stakeholders within the municipality.

As a Council member, you will likely be invited to attend various community events and functions. While attendance at these events is voluntary, the Mayor is generally expected to attend many of these occasions on behalf of the Town and to deliver greetings.

Disclaimer: The content provided on this website is intended for informational purposes only and should not be considered legal advice. Individuals and groups involved in the electoral process, including candidates, political parties, slates, and third-party advertisers, are subject to additional rules and responsibilities. It is recommended that all participants review the Local Authorities Election Act, applicable regulations, and consult legal professionals to fully understand their obligations.