Town of Valleyview’s – 2024 Water Shortage Plan

Update: May 28, 2024

2024 Water Shortage Plan was implemented for the Town of Valleyview in order to ease the potential of a local water shortage which, if needed, would impose further local water restrictions. These measures are being instated due to the Province’s concerns of drought conditions for 2024.

Though the Province of Alberta still remains in a drought situation, “May showers” did bring along some localized hopefulness and thus, the Town of Valleyview is excited to announce some changes to our current water ban effective June 15, 2024, particularly for the watering of gardens and flowers.


  • We thank Perron Ventures for supplying and maintaining the flower arrangements for the large planters along Main Street for the 2024 season.
  • Restrictions: Zero supply (gifted, purchase), install (plant, hang), and maintain (water only) of any flowerpots and or planters throughout Town (i.e., downtown core, Town entrances).
  • User effected: Municipality of the Town of Valleyview only; Others (businesses or residents) may follow suit.
  • Town of Valleyview as a whole, appreciate and thank past basket sponsors for the Town’s downtown core. We look forward to 2025 in hopes that this drought situation improves.
  • Effective: Entire 2024 season.


Outdoor water use for gardens and flowers only are permitted as follows:

  • Odd / even outdoor water usage (based on house number and days of week).


5120 – 49 Street: use 5120 (even house number) may use water on Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday only.

5005 47 Street: use 5005 (odd house number) may use water on Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday only.

  • Watering of gardens and flowers during the following daytime hours only:

6:00 AM to 9:00 AM or 7:00 PM to 10:00 PM, but not both time periods.

  • Full water ban still remains for: no watering lawns, trees, shrubs; no washing automobiles, driveways, sidewalks, house exteriors; no filling pools, fountains, ponds.
  • Effective: June 15, 2024


  • Restrictions: Full closure.
  • Residents are encouraged to utilize local parks, river, and lakes.
  • Effective: May 1, 2024


  • Operations: Shut down at night / operate by day to control use.
  • User limitations: Farmers and acreage owners (potable) only (no oil field).
  • Effective: When announced.

The Town of Valleyview thanks all of our residents and businesses for their contributing efforts in conserving local water and, as we continue to monitor and re-evaluate our 2024 Water Shortage Plan, we will provide further updates when conditions change.