Due to unforeseen circumstances, repairs are still ongoing today August 27, 2024. We anticipate the water in the affected area back in service by this evening. Upon initial excavation, our crew discovered that the extent of the damage was greater than initially expected. Consequently, additional time and resources were required to ensure a thorough and safe repair.
Customers within the map attached will have a slight interruption in their water service while crews continue to re-activate the repaired section.
When service is restored i n the area, residents may observe cloudy water and detect a strong chlorine odor. It is advised that residents thoroughly flush their water lines using cold water faucets. Please flush from bathtub and shower cold water faucets for 5 minutes, or until water temperature runs colder and water quality is clear. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Utilities department (780)524-5156
Thank you to all affected customers in this area for your patience and understanding!