The Downtown Beautification Grant was created in 2014. With a change of operations of the Valleyview Visitor Information Centre from a joint venture with the Valleyview & District Chamber of Commerce to the Town solely, a decision needed to be made regarding surplus funds that had been invested. It was decided that the funds would be split and the Town of Valleyview and Valleyview & District Downtown Beautification Grant was created!
What’s New? We had a successful 2020 with three businesses making improvements and looking great! Now we want to not only give Downtown businesses the opportunity to access the fund but also our businesses along Crocus Hill Gasoline Alley the chance too! All eligibility requirements and funds available have remained the same. Finally, we have removed the application deadline entirely, making it easier to apply! Up to five grants will be awarded per calendar year.
Please visit the following links for grant rules and instructions.
From Valleyview & District Chamber of Commerce website:
Since 2014 businesses along 50th Ave and 50th St have been able to access funding to update their buildings through the Downtown Beautification Grant. This has been part of an ongoing effort to spur a revitalization of our Main Street. It is a matching grant up to $5000 offered by the Town of Valleyview and the Chamber of Commerce. The Town and Chamber split the $5000 grant 50/50. It is a low cost and budget conscious way to encourage investment by businesses towards improving the look of their buildings. This in turn makes for a more pleasant town center and neighbourhood experience.
In 2020 we are happy to report that three businesses applied for and received Downtown Beautification Grants. In total over $25,000 was spent on renovations pre-tax. Of that total 80% was spent in Valleyview and it’s surrounding district, with a further 14% spent in the immediate region. Only 6% of the total purchases were from a distance greater than 100km. Besides achieving the goal it is designed for, the Beautification Grant is proving itself as an effective program, standing up well from a cost-benefit point of view.
News Item posted on January 24, 2021 by Adrian Petrilli