Town of Valleyview Municipal Engineering Development and Servicing Standards

The Town of Valleyview’s Municipal Engineering Development and Servicing Standards have been prepared to provide developers and other interested parties information and minimum acceptable standards for the development of land within the Town. These standards provide governing principles to encourage good engineering and construction practices acceptable to the Town and, when warranted, higher standards shall be applied.
Amendments to these standards will be implemented on an as-required basis. Users shall ensure the latest version is being utilized and are encouraged to refer to this website periodically for the updated standards.
Town of Valleyview & M.D. of Greenview – Intermunicipal Development Plan (VVIDP)

In 2018 the Town of Valleyview and M.D. of Greenview began work on the process of updating and renewing our Intermunicipal Development Plan (IDP), to replace the existing IDP from 2009. The firm V3 Companies was chosen to spearhead the project under the leadership of Nick Pryce, Director of Planning Services. Through a series of meetings with a Citizens Panel made up of Town and MD residents, multiple joint Council meetings and many emails and calls with the planning departments of the Town and MD, a modern and robust Intermunicipal Development Plan was formed. As with the rest of the world, our plans were considerably slowed down from the Covid-19 pandemic, however, a successful public open house was held in November of 2020 and the final public hearing was held via Zoom on March 9th, 2021. This week at the Town of Valleyview Regular Council Meeting on March 22, 2021 and the MD of Greenview’s Regular Council Meeting held on March 23, 2021 both Councils passed the second and third and final reading of the IDP Bylaw, making it official! Please see the ‘Additional Documents’ table below for a brief explanation of what an Intermunicipal Development Plan is and what it does. Check out the document itself by clicking on the link.
The Planning and Development Department is responsible for overall land use planning and development activity in the Town of Valleyview.
To do this we have established Vision, Values, and Principles as set forth in our Municipal Development Guide to assist in creating a community with sustainable, social, environmental and economic value now and in the future.
The goals of the Planning and Development Department are set out through the Municipal Development Plan, Land Use Bylaw, Policies and Procedures, Inter-Municipal Development Plan and the Valleyview Development Guidelines. These documents are provided in the links below and contain a wealth of information.
Before beginning any project please contact the Town Administration Office. The majority of development, construction and renovation projects are regulated by the Town of Valleyview and may require permits and inspections. The Land Use Bylaw is an important first step as it contains Zoning Regulations and General Regulations. As stated in the bylaw, with exceptions, “no person shall undertake any development in the Town unless a development permit has first been issued pursuant to this Bylaw, and the development is in accordance with the terms and conditions of a development permit issued pursuant to the Bylaw.”
As well, be sure to look at our Building and Safety Permits page. As with development applications, most construction and renovation projects will require permits and inspections. More information, as well as safety permit application forms, are located there.
If you have any questions please contact Amy Almond, Development Officer.
Additional Documents
The Purpose of the Town of Valleyview Bylaw is to regulate the use and development of land and buildings within the Town. | |
The purpose of the Town of Valleyview Municipal Development Plan (MDP) is to provide a planning framework for the future growth and development of the municipality that will assist in realizing the community’s long-range vision. | |
*NEW* | |
These guidelines have been developed by the Town of Valleyview to help landowners and business plan for development that supports the community’s vision of a small traditional town with beautiful, walkable grid network of streets and a modern, thriving business community that is an attractive destination for visitors and workers. | |
Subdivision and Servicing (Engineering) Standards | The standards set forth are the minimum standards for any new subdivision, residential/commercial projects in terms of services, drainage, grading and more. |
Please note that forms are unable to be submitted electronically from the website. Can be filled out and submitted via email or printed and brought in, mail or fax to the Town Office.
Development Appeal Process chart
Development Appeal Application Form
Home Based Business Application Form

The Town of Valleyview has a limited number of residential lots remaining for sale; located in the northeastern area of the town. Lots are priced at $35,000.00 plus GST and include paving (no Local Improvement Levy) and services to be negotiated. Zoning for the area is Restricted Residential (R1) District. For more information please click the link below or contact the Town Administration Office.